• Optimizing your site's SEO

    XPRS’ website building tool is SEO friendly and allows you to promote your website easily. To optimize your site’s SEO in search engine results: 1)…

  • How to open an email account

    Any premium client can open free email accounts associated with their domain (like [email protected]). To open an email account, follow these steps - ---------- Step 1:…

  • Finding your registrar's control panel

    When connecting an existing domain, some changes are needed to be made to the settings in the control panel of your registrar (where you purchased…

  • Heroku message - No such application

    The Heroku message means your domain's DNS are properly set, but the domain is not connected properly through the editor. Please load the editor, hover…

  • Adding an Icon Stripe

    The icon stripe will allow you to add an icon/logo to your site. To add an icon stripe: 1. Click on the "+" sign and…

  • Adding a Featured Stripe

    If you have something you'd like to showcase, promote or put a spotlight on on your site, the Featured stripe is a great option for…

  • Adding a Promo Stripe

    The Promo stripe will allow you to present the "gist" of your site. Locating it as the top stripe on your site will assure that it…

  • Adding a Gallery Stripe

    A Gallery stripe contains several gallery items, each assembled by image and its title. To add a gallery: 1. Click on the "+" sign and choose…